EN 1339 From Ocean unto Ocean
Versi Version 1
From ocean unto ocean, our land shall own Thee Lord,
And, filled with true devotion, obey Thy sovereign Word:
Our prairies and our mountains, the woods and fertile field,
Our rivers, lakes and fountains, to Thee shall tribute yield.
O Christ, for Thine own glory, and for our country’s weal,
We humbly plead before Thee, Thyself in us reveal;
And may we know, Lord Jesus, the touch of Thy dear hand;
And, healed of our diseases, the tempter’s power withstand.
Where error smites with blindness, enslaves and leads astray,
Do Thou in lovingkindness proclaim Thy Gospel day,
Till all the tribes and races that dwell in this fair land,
Adorned with Christian graces, within Thy courts shall stand.
Our Savior King, defend us, and guide where we should go;
Forth with Thy message send us, Thy love and light to show,
Till, fired with true devotion, enkindled by Thy word,
From ocean unto ocean our land shall own Thee Lord.