EN 3729 Let Heav’n and Earth Rejoice and Sing
Versi Version 1
Let Heav’n and earth rejoice and sing,
Salute this happy morn;
The Savior which is Christ our King,
He on this day was born;
The Savior which is Christ our King,
He on this day was born.
Come let us join our hearts to God,
And thus exalt His fame;
To save us all this Babe was born,
And Jesus is His Name;
To save us all this Babe was born,
And Jesus is His Name.
Wise men and kings rich gifts did bring
To Bethlehem straightway;
Conducted by a leading star,
Where Christ our Savior lay;
Conducted by a leading star,
Where Christ our Savior lay.
O Lord, to Thee all glory be,
Whom Heav’n and earth adore,
For our Redeemer we will praise
This day and evermore;
For our Redeemer we will praise
This day and evermore.