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ADV (Himnario Adventista)
AG (Aradhana Geethamulu)
AYM (Anointed Youth Missioners)
BE (Buku Ende)
BN (Buku Nyanyian HKBP)
ELI1 (ELI ABOLOJO (Christian Songs, Igala))
ELI2 (ELI KEKE (Short Songs, Igala))
EN (English Hymns)
GB (Gita Bakti)
GBL (Gita Bakti Edisi Lama)
HC (Держись Христа)
JB (Jiwaku Bersukacita: Pujian Sekolah Minggu)
KJ (Kidung Jemaat)
KLIK (Kumpulan Lagu Ibadah Kreatif dan KKR)
KPJ (Kidung Pasamuan Jawi)
KPKA (Kidung Pasamuan Kristen Anyar)
KPKL (Kidung Pasamuan Kristen Lawas)
KPPK (Kidung Puji-Pujian Kristen)
KPRI (Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 2004)
KRI (Kidung Reformed Injili 2017 (Tidak resmi))
LS (Lagu Sion Edisi Lengkap)
LSDAH (ເພັງສມີເສມ (Eternal Songs))
MNR1 (Mazmur & Nyanyian Rohani Buku 1 (Mazmur))
MNR2 (Mazmur & Nyanyian Rohani Buku 2 (Nyanyian Rohani))
MSDAH (ဧဝံဂေလိဓမ္မသီချင်း (Myanmar Gospel Hymnal))
NKB (Nyanyikanlah Kidung Baru)
NKI (Nyanyian Kemenangan Iman)
NNBT (Nyanyikanlah Nyanyian Baru bagi Tuhan)
NP (Nyanyian Pujian)
NR (Nafiri Rohani)
NRM (Nyanyian Rohani Methodist)
PKJ (Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat)
PKS (Pwuhken Koul Sarawi)
PPK (Puji-pujian Kristen)
PPPR (Puji-pujian Pemuda/Remaja)
RRZ (Runyankole Rukiga, Zaburi)
SP (Песнь Хвалы)
SPSS (Śpiewajmy Panu wyd. dziesiąte)
SR (Песнь Возрождения)
SR3300 (Песнь Возрождения 3300 / Song of Revival 3300)
SS (Духовни Песни)
SY (Песни Юности. Том 1 (Songs of Youth, Tome 1))
TSDAH (Worship Songs Hymnal (เพลงสรรเสริญ))
YJ (Юность-Иисусу)
YSMS (Тебе пою, о мой Спаситель)
1 Tuhan Berada di Bait Suci-Nya (The Lord Is in His Holy Temple)
2 Hormat Diberi (Gloria Patri)
3 Walau Seribu Lidahku (O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing)
4 Yang Cinta pada Tuhan, Datanglah (Come, We that Love the Lord)
5 Kemuliaan dan Hormat (All Glory, Loud and Honor)
6 Hosana! Puji Tuhan (Hosanna, Loud Hosanna)
7 Domba Allah, Aku Datang (Lamb of God, Our Souls Adore Thee)
8 Masyurkan Rajamu! (Rejoice, the Lord Is King!)
9 Umat-Nya, Pujilah! (Come, Christians, Join to Sing)
10 Nobatkanlah Raja! (Crown Him with Many Crowns)
11 Terpujilah Nama Allah (Blessed Be the Name)
12 Hatiku Memuji Nama-Nya (Bless His Holy Name)
13 Allah Bapa Hadir dalam Bait Suci-Nya (God Is in His Temple)
14 Sungguh Besar Kau Allahku (How Great Thou Art)
15 Kupuji-Mu, Tuhan (Be Exalted, O Lord)
16 B'rilah Hormat pada-Nya (Glory to God)
17 Marilah Puji (Come and Praise)
18 Mulia bagi Nama-Nya (Glorious Is Thy Name)
19 Datang Menyembah Raja yang Mulia (O Worship the King)
20 'Ku Memuji Nama-Mu (Holy God, We Praise Thy Name)
21 Puji Tuhan, Allah Mahakuasa (Praise to the Lord, the Almighty)
22 Sukacita Kusembahkan (Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee)
23 'Ku Bersyukur (I Will Praise Thee)
24 Juruselamat yang Ajaib (What a Wonderful Savior)
25 Allah Mahakuasa (Come, Thou Almighty King)
26 Mulia bagi Allah (To God Be the Glory)
27 Kasih Allah (The Love of God)
28 Mulia (Majesty)
29 Nama-Nya Ajaib (His Name Is Wonderful)
30 Yesus, Pengasih Jiwaku (Jesus, Lover of My Soul)
31 Sewaktu Kuingat Yesus (Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee)
32 Dialah Juruselamatku (He's the Savior of My Soul)
33 Kristus Tuhan, Raja Dunia (Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun)
34 Yesus yang Ajaib (Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus)
35 Yesus, Tuhanku (Jesus, Lord of Me)
36 Indahlah Yesus (Fairest Lord Jesus)
37 Tuhan yang Kukasihi (I love You, Lord)
38 Nama-Nya Yesus (His Name Is Jesus)
39 Nama Yesus (The Name of Jesus)
40 Yesus Anak Allah (Jesus, Son of God)
41 Nama Yesus yang Ajaib (There's Something About That Name)
42 Puji Nama Yesus (Praise the Name of Jesus)
43 Puji Tuhan, Allah Penebusku (We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer)
44 Tuhanku yang Ajaib (My Wonderful Lord)
45 'Ku Bernyanyi Puji Yesus (Why Do I Sing About Jesus?)
46 'Ku Memuji Penebusku (I Will Sing of My Redeemer)
47 Yesus, Nama Mahamulia (Jesus, Name Above All Names)
48 Anug'rah Kristus Besarlah! (Now in a Song of Grateful Praise)
49 'Ku Bersyukur Ia Tebusku (Thanks to God for My Redeemer)
50 Hitung Berkatmu (Count Your Blessings)
51 'Ku Mau Serahkan Semua Milikku (Fully Surrendered)
52 'Ku Berserah pada Yesus (I Surrender All)
53 Doxology
54 Kini Kami akan Berpisah - I (Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing - I)
55 Tibalah Saat Berpisah- II (Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing- II)
56 Hai, Semua Ciptaan-Nya (All Creatures of Our God and King)
57 Tuhan Yesus Memanggilku (Jesus Calls Us O'ver the Tumult)
58 Alam Semesta Memuliakan Allah (The Spacious Firmament on High)
59 Kau Termulia (Thou Art Worthy)
60 Suci, Suci, Suci (Holy, Holy, Holy)
61 Mahakasih yang Ilahi (Love Divine, All Loves Excelling)
62 'Ku Mau Puji tentang Rahmat-Mu (I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord)
63 Bila Bukan Kasih Tuhanku (If That Isn't Love)
64 Inilah Dunia Bapa (This Is My Father's World)
65 O Ajaib, Sungguh Ajaib (The Wonder of It All)
66 Besar Setia-Mu (Great Is Thy Faithfulness)
67 Bila Fajar Datang (When Morning Gilds the Skies)
68 Terpujilah Nama Yesus - I (All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - I)
69 Allahku Baik (God Is So Good)
70 Terpujilah Nama Yesus - II (All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - II)
71 Terpujiah Nama Yesus - III (All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - III)
72 Sorga Penuh Kemuliaan-Nya (Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies)
73 Mari Kita Puji Tuhan Mulia (Let Us Celebrate the Glories of Our God)
74 O 'Ku Cinta Yesus (O' How I love Jesus)
75 'Ku Mau Puji Tuhan (I will Praise Thee, O Lord)
76 Di Hatiku Ada Kidung Indah (In My heart There Rings a Melody)
77 Puji Yesus (Praise Him, Praise Him)
78 Kasih Yesus yang Dalam (O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus)
79 Puji Tuhan yang Mulia (Praise the Lord, His Glories Show)
80 O, Pujilah Juruselamat (Praise the Savior, Ye Who Know Him)
81 Seru Haleluya Puji Dia (Sing Hallelujah)
82 Bebaskan Rohku (Set My Spirit Free)
83 Di Atas Salib di Kalvari (At the Cross)
84 Batu Zaman yang Teguh (Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me)
85 Anug'rah, Kasih, dan Penggerakan-Nya (Grace, Love, and Fellowship)
86 O, Datang Imanuel (O come, O come, Emmanuel)
87 Betapa Besar Girangnya (How Great Our Joy)
88 Dunia Gemar dan Soraklah (Joy to the World)
89 Kau Telah Tinggalkan Sorga Mulia (Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne)
90 Dengar Malaikat Nyanyi (Angels We Have Heard on High)
91 Dengar Malak Memuji (Hark the Herald Angels Sing)
92 Hai, Malaikat dari Sorga (Angels from the Realms of Glory)
93 Hai Bangkitlah! Sambut Hari Mulia (Christians Awake! Salute the Happy Morn)
94 Di Dalam Palungan - I (Away in a Manger - I)
95 Di Dalam Palungan - II (Away in a Manger - II)
96 Tuhanku di Palungan (A Baby in the Manger)
97 Siapa yang di Palungan (Who is He in Yonder Stall)
98 Siapakah Bayi yang Tertidur (What Child Is This, Who Laid to Rest?)
99 Bayi Kudus, Bayi Lembut (Infant Holy, Infant Lowly)
100 Kota Kecil Betlehem (O Little Town of Bethlehem)
101 Dahulu di Kota Daud (Once in Royal David's City)
102 Tidur Lelap Bethlehem (Midnight Sleeping Bethlehem)
103 Kami Majus dari Timur (We Three Kings of Orient Are)
104 Lahirnya Seorang Raja (The Birthday Of A King)
105 Di Malam Sunyi Nan Cerah (It Came Upon The Midnight Clear)
106 Beritakanlah Di Gunung (Go, Tell It On The Mountains)
107 Berita Natal Yang Pertama (The First Noel)
108 Hai, Mari Berhimpun (O Come, All Ye Faithful)
109 Mari Tuturkan Kisah Yesus (Tell Me The Story Of Jesus)
110 Aku Tak Tahu (I Cannot Tell)
111 Bunyi Bel (Ring The Bells)
112 O Malam Kudus (O Holy Night)
113 Malam Kudus (Silent Night, Holy Night)
114 Imanuel (Emmanuel)
115 Gembala Menjaga Dombanya (While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night)
116 Kasih Penebusan (Redeeming Love)
117 Nama Yang Terindah (The Beautiful Name)
118 Yesus Mencariku (Christ My Savior To Bethlehem)
119 Ribuan Malaikat (Ten Thousand Angels)
120 Pimpin Ke Kalvari (Lead Me To Calvary)
121 Kepala Yang Tertunduk (O, Sacred Head, Now Wounded)
122 Ia Terluka Bagiku (Wounded For Me)
123 Sungguh Heran Penebusku (Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed)
124 Yesus Bayar Semua (Jesus Paid It All)
125 Penebus Kasih (Bless Redeemer)
126 Anak Domba Yang Disembelih (Worthy Is The Lamb)
127 Hadir Kau? (Were You There?)
128 Mulia Bagi Tuhan Yang Bangkit (Thine Is The Glory)
129 Haleluya! Kristus Bangkit (Hallelujah! He Is Risen)
130 Kristus Tuhan Telah Bangkit (Christ The Lord Is Risen Today)
131 Kristus Yesus Telah Bangkit (Jesus Christ Is Risen Today)
132 Kristus Bangkit (Christ Arose)
133 Karena Dia Hidup (Because He Lives)
134 Kristus Hidup (He Lives)
135 Dia Allah (He Is God)
136 Saat Ia Kembali (When He Cometh, When He Cometh)
137 Ia 'Kan Datang Kembali (Jesus Is Coming Again)
138 Bilamana S'karang? (What If It Were Today?)
139 Suara Dentang Lonceng Berbunyi (Ring The Bells Of Heaven)
140 Kidung Roh Kudus (Spirit Song)
141 Roh Allah Maha Hidup (Spirit Of The Living God)
142 Kini Penuhi Hatiku (Fill Me Now)
143 Kitab Ajaib FirmanNya (Holy Bible, Book Divine)
144 Firman Hidup (Wonderful Words Of Life)
145 Jangan Sedih Dan Kecewa (Never Give Up)
146 Beri Tahu Yesus (Tell It To Jesus)
147 Beri Tahu Yesus (I Must Tell Jesus)
148 Tak Seorang Seperti Yesus (No One Understands Like Jesus)
149 Penjala (Fisherman)
150 Yesus Sobat Yang Sejati (What A Friend We Have In Jesus)
151 Pastilah Anugrah-Nya (Surely Goodness and Mercy)
152 Dekat Pelukan Allah (Near To The Heart Of God)
153 Yesus Mengasihimu, Juga Kepadaku (O How He Loves You And Me)
154 Dia Peliharakan Burung (His Eye Is On The Sparrow)
155 Kupercaya Di Bukit Kalvari (I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary)
156 Di Bawah Salib Yesus (Beneath The Cross Of Jesus)
157 O, Yesus Kasih-Mu (Savior, Thy Dying Love)
158 Mungkinkah Aku Beruntung (And Can It Be That I Should Gain?)
159 Haleluya Buat Salib (Hallelujah For The Cross)
160 Pernah Kau Dengar Kisah Salib? (Have You Heard The Story Of The Cross?)
161 Ada Sumber Dipenuhi Darah-Nya (There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood)
162 Kasih Yang Ajaib (The Wonderful Love)
163 Bila Kuingat Salib-Nya (When I Survey The Wondrous Cross)
164 Dekat Ke Salib-Mu (Near The Cross)
165 Sudahkah Kau Disucikan Darah-Nya? (Are You Washed In The Blood?)
166 Salib Hina (The Old Rugged Cross)
167 Ada Suatu Bukit Nan Jauh (There Was A Green Hill Far Away)
168 Ia Selamatkanku (He Ransomed Me)
169 Darah Dan Kebenaran-Mu (Jesus, Thy Blood And Righteousness)
170 Ada Kuasa Dalam Darah-Nya (There Is Power In The Blood)
171 Jalan Salib Perlu Berkorban (The Way The Cross Needs Sacrifice)
172 Hanyalah Darah-Nya Yesus (Nothing But The Blood)
173 Di Salib (At The Cross)
174 Pandanglah Pada Yesus (Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus)
175 Yesus Cinta Padaku (Jesus Loves Me, This I Know)
176 Sorga Turun Penuhi Hatiku (Heaven Come Down And Glory Filled My Soul)
177 Tuhan, 'Ku Mau Pulang (Lord, I'm Going Home)
178 'Ku Perlu Yesus (I Need Jesus)
179 Kini 'Ku Milik Yesus (Now I Belong To Jesus)
180 Padaku Ada Sahabat (I've Found A Friend, Such A Friend)
181 Yesus! Sobat Kaum Berdosa (Jesus! What A Friend For Sinners)
182 Yesus Sobat Kaum Berdosa (Jesus Is The Friend Of Sinners)
183 Yesus Aku Milik-Mu, O Tuhan (I Am Thine, O Lord)
184 Yesus Tuhan, Aku Datang (Jesus, I Come)
185 Kutinggalkan Dosaku (I Lay My Sins on Jesus)
186 Pintu Sorga Terbukalah (There Is A Gate That Stands Ajar)
187 Dengan Lembut Tuhan Yesus Memanggil (Softly And Tenderly Jesus Is Calling)
188 Yesus Dari Galilea (The Stranger Of Galilee)
189 Sembilan Puluh Sembilan Domba-Nya (There Were Ninety And Nine)
190 Tuhan Yesus Memanggilmu (Hear The Voice Jesus Calling)
191 Biar Yesus Masuk Hatiku (Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart)
192 Yesus Memanggil (Jesus Is Calling)
193 Tuhan Kini Kudatang (I Am Coming, Lord)
194 Pada Yesus, Percayalah (Only Trust Him)
195 Anugerah-Nya Limpah (His Grace Aboundeth More)
196 Sebenarnya 'Ku Tak Layak (Just As I Am, Without One Plea)
197 Adakah Tempat Bagi-Nya? (Have You Any Room For Jesus?)
198 Yesus Datang (Then Jesus Came)
199 Jaminan Mulia (Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine)
200 Hidup Bagi-Nya, Senanglah (Living For Jesus, O What Peace)
201 Tak Seorang Pun Mirip Tuhan Yesus (No, Not One!)
202 Jalan-Nya (God's Way)
203 Bunga Bakung di Lembah (The Lily of the Valley)
204 O Tuhanku, Sucikan Hatiku (Cleanse Me)
205 'Ku Mau Jalan Beserta-Mu (O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee)
206 'Ku Giranglah, Yesus Cinta 'Ku (Jesus Loves Even Me)
207 Penebusan (Redeemed)
208 'Ku telah Ditebus-Nya (Since I Have Been Redeemed)
209 Yesus Segala-galanya (Jesus Is All the World to Me)
210 Tempat Teduh (The Heaven of Rest)
211 Tuhan Yesus Sandaranku (I am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus)
212 Hidup Bagi-Mu (Living for Jesus)
213 Hidupku Ini Indahlah (Something Beautiful)
214 Mengikut Yesus, Keputusanku (I Have Decided to Follow Jesus)
215 Ke Mana Saja (Wherever Will Go)
216 Kupandang Salib-Mu (My Faith Looks Up to Thee)
217 Ingat Akan Nama Yesus (Take the Name of Jesus with You)
218 'Ku Bersandar Tuhanku (Trusting Jesus)
219 Kita Bersatu dalam Kasih-Nya (The Bond of Love)
220 Kutahu yang Kupercaya (I Know Whom I Have Believed)
221 Sandar pada Lengan yang Kekal (Leaning on the Everlasting Arms)
222 Kupercaya pada Yesus ('Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus)
223 Aku Tahu Tuhan Menguasai Hari Esok (I Know Who Holds Tomorrow)
224 Tuhan, 'Ku Mau Serahkan (Jesus, I Will Trust Thee)
225 Aku Domba-Nya (His Sheep Am I)
226 'Ku Sesal akan Diriku (O, the Bitter Shame and Sorrow)
227 Iman Umat-Nya yang Hidup (Faith of Our Fathers)
228 Ia Melindungi Jiwaku (He Hideth My Soul)
229 Pimpin Aku (Lead Me, Savior)
230 Kutahu Ia Sedia Jalan Bagiku (I Know the Lord Will Make a Way for Me)
231 Ikut Yesus (Follow on)
232 Kekuatan serta Penghiburan (Day by Day)
233 Aku Percaya pada-Nya (I Just Keep Trusting My Lord)
234 O Tuhan, Pimpin Jalanku (Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah)
235 Saat-Nya (In His Time)
236 Tiada Hal yang Mustahil (Nothing Is Impossible)
237 Ke Mana pun Ia Sertaku (Anywhere with Jesus)
238 Yesus, Juruselamat dan Pemanduku (Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me)
239 Orang yang Menanti Tuhan (They that Wait upon the Lord)
240 Percaya dan Patuh (Trust and Obey)
241 Tuhan yang Pimpin Jalanku (All the Way My Savior Leads Me)
242 Yesus, Tuhan Gembalaku (Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us)
243 'Ku Datang Memuji-Mu (I Just Come to Praise the Lord)
244 Pimpin Aku Pulang ke Rumahnya Bapa (Lead Me Gently Home, Father)
245 Ajarlah Aku Membawa Jiwa pada-Mu (Lead Me to Some Soul Today)
246 Setiap Langkahku (One Step at a Time)
247 Limpahlah Pialamu (Bring Your Vassels Not a Few)
248 Kehendak-Mu O, Genaplah (Have Thine Own Way, Lord)
249 Yesus Menuntun Hidupku (He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought)
250 Tuhan Mengingatku (He Remembers Me)
251 Salib Tak Melebihi Rahmat-Nya (The Cross Is Not Greater)
252 Adakah Ia Melindungi? (Does Jesus Care?)
253 Di Bawah Sayap Tuhan (Under His Wings)
254 Kuperlukan Juruselamat (I Would Have the Savior with Me)
255 Di Dalam Kasih Tuhan (In Heavenly Love Abiding)
256 Sejak Yesus di Hatiku (Since Jesus Come Into My Heart)
257 Kenal Yesus, Hatiku Senang (Happiness Is the Lord)
258 Serahkan Bebanmu pada-Nya (Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord)
259 Demikian Allah Mengasihi Dunia (For God So Loved the World)
260 Tempatku Berlindung (Hiding in Thee)
261 Gunung Batu Perlindungan (A Shelter in the Time of Past)
262 Kau, Allah, Benteng yang Baka (O God, Our Help in Ages Past)
263 Beban Terlepas di Kalvari (Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary)
264 Kau 'Kan Peliharanya (Thou Will Keep Him in Perfect Peace)
265 Damai di Hatiku (Constantly Abiding)
266 Damai Ajaib (Wonderful Peace)
267 Yang Letih Datanglah pada-Nya (When the Weary, Seeking Rest)
268 Adakah Namaku di Buku Hayat-Mu? (Is My Name Written There?)
269 Kehendak Tuhan Jadilah (My Jesus, As Thou Wilt)
270 Penuhiku dengan Firman-Mu (Fill Me with Thy Words)
271 Lebih Kasihi-Mu, O Tuhanku (More Love to Thee, O Christ)
272 Penuhilah Pialaku (Fill My Cup, Lord)
273 Doa Bapa Kami (The Lord's Prayer)
274 Sucikan Hatiku, O Tuhanku (Purer in Heart, O God)
275 Tunjukkan Jalan-Mu O, Tuhanku (Teach Me Your Way, O Lord)
276 'Ku Mau Setia (I Would Be True)
277 Kumohon Bagimu (I am Praying for You)
278 Saat Kau Berdoa (When You Pray)
279 Memperkenankan Hati Tuhan (To Be a Man After God's Heart)
280 Dengar Doa Anak-Mu, Tuhan (Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying)
281 Sandar pada Tuhan, Menang 'kan Seteru (Keep in Touch with Jesus)
282 Bukan Aku, Namun Kristus Tuhanku (Not I, but Christ)
283 Lebih Dekat pada-Mu (Just a Closer Walk with Thee)
284 Tuhan, Kucinta-Mu (Lord, I Do Love You)
285 Domba Allah, Ajarkanlah Firman-Mu (O, Teach Us More)
286 Janganlah Kau Tinggalkanku (Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior)
287 Indahnya Saat Berdoa (Sweet Hour of Prayer)
288 Setiap Saat (Every Moment)
289 Semoga 'Ku Memuji Dia (O for a Heart to Praise My God)
290 Buka Mataku, Tuhan (Open Our Eyes, Lord)
291 'Ku Mau Serupa Tuhan (O to Be Like Thee)
292 Seperti Yesus (More Like the Master)
293 Hatiku Merindukan Yesus (Longing for Jesus)
294 Bukakan Mataku, Tuhan (Open My Eyes That I May See)
295 Kupancarkan Keindahan-Mu (Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen in Me)
296 Ada Pengertian Bersama (There's a Quiet Understanding)
297 Kini 'Ku dalam Keluarga-Nya (Getting Used to the Family of God)
298 Di Taman (In the Garden)
299 Bila Kuingat Yesus (Lord Jesus, When I Think of Thee)
300 Indahlah Ikatan dalam Kasih-Nya (Blest Be the Tie that Binds)
301 Tuhan Tak Janji (God Hath Not Promised)
302 O, Betapa Mulia Bagiku (O, That Will Be Glory for Me)
303 'Ku tak akan Meninggalkanmu (I Will not Leave Thee)
304 Rohku Tenang, Tuhan Besertaku (Be Still My Soul)
305 Hari yang Penuh Mulia (What a Day That Will Be)
306 Datang Bersyukurlah (Now That We All Our God)
307 Hari yang Bahagia (O Happy Day)
308 Ada Terang dalam Hatiku (There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today)
309 Bapa di Sorga, Hatiku bersyukur (Heavenly Father, I Appreciate You)
310 'Ku Hanya Seorang Berdosa (Only a Sinner)
311 Yesus Kucinta-Mu (My Jesus, I Love Thee)
312 Di Mana Ada Roh Kudus (Where the Spirit of the Lord Is)
313 Puji Haleluya (Sometimes "Alleluia")
314 Penghormatanku (My Tribute)
315 Haleluya (Hallelujah)
316 Rahmat Yesus yang Indah (Wonderful Grace of Jesus)
317 Yesus, 'Ku Hendak Bersyukur kepada-Mu (Jesus, We Just Want to Thank You)
318 Yesuslah Hidupku (He's Everything to Me)
319 Tak Hentinya Kupuji Dia (He Keeps Me Singing)
320 Semakin Dalam (Deeper, Deeper)
321 Tuhan Aku Perlu, Setiap Waktu (I Need Thee Every Hour)
322 Ke Tempat Lebih Tinggi (Higher Ground)
323 'Ku Mau Jadi Murid Yesus (Lord, I Want to Be a Christian)
324 Dekat pada-Nya (Close to Thee)
325 'Ku Memilih Yesus (I'd Rather Have Jesus)
326 Jadikan Aku Saluran Berkat (Make Me a Blessing)
327 Seputih Salju (Whiter than Snow)
328 Jiwaku Tenanglah (It Is Well with My Soul)
329 Yesus Pimpin, 'Ku Mau Ikut (Where He leads Me)
330 Kini 'Ku Mau Tuhan (Himself)
331 Kasih Tuhan Selamatkanku (Love Lifted Me)
332 Tuhan Selamatkanku (He Lifted Me)
333 'Ku Tak Pernah Rendah Hati (I've Never Been Humble)
334 Pintu Sorga 'kan Dibuka (He the Pearly Gates Will Open)
335 Sangat Besar Anug'rah-Nya (Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound)
336 Pakailah Waktumu (Take Time to Be Holy)
337 Karena Kasih, Orang Tahu Aku Umat-Nya (They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love)
338 Sungguh Heran (I Stand Amazed)
339 'Ku Giranglah Karena Tuhan (The Joy of the Lord)
340 Bila Kau Pernah Cinta Yesus (If You Have Loved Jesus)
341 Sampai ke Ujung Bumi (Unto the End of the World)
342 Beri Terbaikmu (Our Best)
343 Di Mezbah-Nya Sembahkanlah Korbanmu (Is Your All on the Altar)
344 Serahkan yang Terbaik pada-Nya (Give of Your Best to the Master)
345 Meski Sedikit, Ia Berkenan (Little is Much, When God Is in It)
346 O Yesus, Aku Berjanji (O Jesus, I Have Promised)
347 Yang Pandai Sembah Ilmu (The Wise May Bring Their Learning)
348 Yang Kupersembahkan, Berasal Dari-Mu (We Give Thee, but Thine Own)
349 Bagi Yesus Tuhanku (All for Jesus)
350 Pakai Hidupku Ini (Take My Life, and Let It Be Consecrated)
351 Pakai Hidupku Ini (Take My Life and Let it Be)
352 Kusembahkan Hidupku (Take My Life, and Let It Be)
353 Hidupku Ini Kuserahkan (Take My Life and Let It Be)
354 'Ku Bersukacita Kerja Bagi-Nya (I Am Happy in the Service of the King)
355 Apa yang Kaubuat bagi Yesus (What Are You Doing for Jesus)
356 Siap (Ready)
357 Bangunkan Jiwaku yang Lesu (Send a Great Revival)
358 Angkat Suara-Mu dan Bersoraklah (Sound the Battle Cry)
359 Ketika Cobaan Datang (When Temptation Surges Around You)
360 Konfik Zaman (The Confict of the Ages)
361 Hai, Bangkit Bagi Yesus (Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus)
362 Haruskah Ia Pikul Salib? (Must jesus Bear the Cross Alone)
363 Maju Laskar Kristus (Onward, Christian Soldiers)
364 Gejolak Hidup (O'er Life's Whirlpool)
365 Yesuslah Terang Dunia (The Light of the World Is Jesus)
366 Dari Ladang ke Gunung (From Greenland's Icy Mountains)
367 Yesus Selamatkanmu (Jesus Saves)
368 Bagikan kepada Semua Orang (Pass It On)
369 Kirimlah Terangmu! (Send the Light)
370 Kuutus Kau (So Send I You)
371 Kusuka Mengabarkan (I Love to Tell the Story)
372 O Bangkitlah, Kabarkan Injil-Nya (O Zion, Haste, Thy Mission High Fulfilling)
373 Ke Mana pun 'Ku Diutus-Nya (I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go)
374 Nun Jauh di Sana Gelap Dosa Mengurung (Far, Far Away in Sin and Darkness Dwelling)
375 Layakkah 'Ku Pergi dengan Tangan Hampa (Must I Go and Empty Handed?)
376 Ada Kisah untuk Bangsa-Bangsa (We've Story to Tell to the Nations)
377 Ceritakan Kisah Lama (Tell Me the Old, Old Story)
378 Kabarkanlah akan Rahmat-Nya (Go Tell His Mercy)
379 Terlalu Manise
380 Bangunkan Kami (Revive Us Again)
381 Setia (Be True)
382 Api Zaman (The Fire of the Ages)
383 Kumohon Pimpinan-Mu (Lead On, O King Eternal)
384 Turunkan Hujan Berkat-Mu (There Shall Be Showers of Blessing)
385 Kupuji Nama-Mu (A Hymn of Joy We Sing)
386 Dasar Gereja yang Esa (The Church's One Foundation)
387 Allah Bentengku yang Teguh (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God)
388 Bersinarlah Roh Kudus (Holy Ghost, with Light Divine)
389 Batu Karang yang Kukuh (The Solid Rock)
390 Bangkitlah Umat-Nya (Rise Up, O Men of God)
391 Hormat Bagi Allah Bapa (Praise God for His Love)
392 Aku Membangun Umat Perkasa (I'm Building a People of Power)
393 Mengenang Tuhan (In Remembrance of Me)
394 Mengenang Kasih-Nya (In Remembrance of His Love)
395 Tubuh Kristus Dikorbankan (Christ Was Crucified for Us)
396 Kita Pecahkan Roti (Let Us Break Bread Together)
397 Di Sini 'Ku Menghadap Wajah-Mu (Here, O My Lord, I see Thee Face to Face)
398 Tuhan Pecahkan Roti Hidup (Break Thou the Bread of Life)
399 Nyawa-Ku Diberikan (I Gave My Life)
400 Kidung Berkat (A Blessing Song)
401 Mars Nikah (Bridal March)
402 Kasih Sempurna (O Perfect Love)
403 Insan Dua Menikahlah (This Happy Day This Pair Will Join)
404 Muka dengan Muka (Face to Face)
405 Dekat Kepada-Mu, O Tuhanku (Nearer My God to Thee)
406 Tinggal Sertaku (Abide with Me)
407 Ada Tempat yang Lebih Terang (There's a Land that Is Fairer than Day)
408 Waktu Namaku Dipanggil (When the Roll is Called upon Yonder)
409 Di Seberang Sana (Beyond the Sunset)
410 Kasih Setia-Mu (Your Love, O Lord)
411 Mazmur 1 (Psalms 1)
412 Hari Ini Harinya Tuhan (This Is the Day)
413 Pujilah Hai Jiwaku (Bless the Lord, O My Soul)
414 Kidung Agung (Song of Songs)
415 Kidung Pagi (Morning Hymn)
416 Haleluya (Hallelujah)
417 Seperti Rusa Rindu Air (As the Deer Pants for the Streams of Water)
418 Tuhan Adalah Gembalaku - I (The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want - I)
419 Tuhan Adalah Gembalaku - II (The Lord Is My Shepherd, I'll Not Want - II)
420 Aku Menyambutmu (Welcome Song)
421 Kau Tak Kulupakan (I Will Not Forget Thee)
422 Tuhan P'liharamu (God Will Take Care of You)
423 Bapa Sorgawi Memeliharaku (My Father Watches Over Me)
424 Tuhan Memberkati Kau (The Lord Bless You and Keep You)
425 Amin (Amen)
KPPK 65 O Ajaib, Sungguh Ajaib
The Wonder of It All
George Beverly Shea
George Beverly Shea
1=Bes 3/4
Saatnya senja sungguh ajaiblah,
fajarnya pun ajaib pula,
namun yang terajaib di dalam hatiku,
ialah ajaibnya kasih Allah.
O, ajaib, sungguh ajaib,
o, sungguh ajaiblah,
kar'na Ia mengasihiku,
o, ajaib, sungguh ajaib,
O, sungguh ajaiblah,
kar'na Ia mengasihiku.
Musim berganti sungguh ajaiblah,
ciptaan-Nya ajaib pula,
namun yang terajaib di dalam hatiku,
Ialah Ia mengasihi daku.
There's the wonder of sunset at evening,
the wonder as sunrise I see;
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
is the wonder that God loves me.
O, the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all!
Just to think that God loves me.
O the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all!
Just to think that God loves me.
There is the wonder of springtime and harvest,
the sky, the stars, the sun;
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
is a wonder that's only begun.
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