KRI 93 Kenal Kau Kan Yesus?
Do You Know My Jesus
W. F. Lakey
V. B. Ellis
1=C 3/4
Versi Version 1
B'ratkah beban hidupmu dalam dunia gelap?
O rindukah jiwamu kan perhentian tetap?
Kenal kau kan Yesus? Kenal kau, teman?
Kasih-Nya abadi, tak b'rubah hingga akhir zaman.
Ke manakah jalanmu hai musafir letih?
Siapa dengar keluhmu dalam malam g'lap sepi?
Siapa kenal hidupmu dan s'gala dukanya?
Siapa b'ri penghiburan, hilangkan air mata?
Versi Version 2
Have you a heart that's weary,
tending a load of care?
Are you a soul that's seeking
Rest from the burden you bear?
Do you know my Jesus?
Do you know, my friend?
Have you heard He loves you,
And that He will abide till the end?
Where is your heart, oh, pilgrim?
What does your light reveal?
Who hears your call for comfort,
when naught but sorrow you feel?
Who knows your disappointments?
Who hears each time you cry?
Who understands your heartaches?
Who dries the tears from your eyes?

Audio yang tersedia di bawah ini belum tentu berasal dari sumber yang sama dengan penerbit buku yang di dalamnya lagu ini berada. The audio provided below does not necessarily originate from the same publisher of the book in which this song is included.